The effects of outbreak of armyworm on maize production in Nsukka Agricultural Zone of Enugu State, Nigeria, department of agricultural economics, university of Nigeria, Nsukka,,, march
The study assessed the effect of the outbreak of armyworm on maize production in Nsukka agricultural zone, Enugu State Nigeria. The specific objectives were to: describe the socio-economic characteristics of maize farmers, describe the nature and manifestation of armyworm outbreak in maize production in the study area, determine socio-economic factors affecting maize output, identify control measures to these pest / disease outbreaks in the study area and identify constraints faced by the farmers in coping with the pest. A three stage random sampling technique was used to select120 maize farmers in Nsukka Agricultural zone of Enugu state. Data collected for the study were analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics included frequency, mean, percentages and data collected was done using questionnaire and inferential statistics used was Ordinary Least Square multiple regression. Analysis of the socio-economic characteristics of maize farmers showed that these attributes influenced the output of maize in the area. Regression analysis showed that age of maize farmers, years in school and primary occupation were all positively signed at p≤0.05, house size is negatively significant at p≤0.01 level of probability and training received, income and farm size were significant at p≤ 0.01 and p≤0.10 levels of probability, respectively to influence the output of maize in the area. Majority of the respondents 53% used pesticides as their control measures against pest and disease of maize, 68% adopted replanting of affected plot as their own way of controlling the pest and disease of maize while others used local herbs, ash, hand picking, and weeding regularly. The following recommendations were proffered: maize farmers should be encouraged to use cultural methods of controlling pest and disease in the area, because of their cost effectiveness, inputs like pesticides and herbicides should be made available and affordable, by the various levels of government for use by maize farmers, government and other stakeholders in the maize value chain should make available to farmers disease and pest resistant maize variety, early planting of maize and improving extension services in the state is also recommended to escape the period of invasion of pest in the area and the recommended pesticides for controlling armyworm.