dc.description.abstract |
Five genera of bacteria, Bacillus, Lactobacillus, Klebsilla, Leucopostoo and Corynebacterium were isolated from cassav fermenting for 'foofoo' productio. The sole fungal isolate was identified as Candida sp. Retting of cassava was assessed by determining the weight required to crush cylindrical cassava pieces. A weight in excess of 2.5 kg was required to crush an unfermented cassava piece of 4 mm diameter and 4 cm lenght whereas a weight as small as 20g could crush the same piece after retting.
Three sugars, sucrose, maltose, and glucose were identified in the fermenting medium by chromatography. Of the five bacteria and yeast isolated, only Lactobacillus and Leuconostoc caused retting when pure cultures were inoculated into sterile cassava pieces. They were also found to be the main acid producing organisms.
It is suggested that in addition to producing actual retting of cassava pieces, the lactices produce the 'foofoo'-like aroma. |
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