The antioxidant activity of the seed extract and fractions of
Monodora tenuifolia (Fam. Annonaceae) was evaluated. The Monodora
tenuifolia seed was extracted with pet ether 40-60°C to produce the
crude extract. Fractionation of the extract by column chromatography
using pet ether 60-80°C and diethyl-ether produced 2 fractions (F1) and
(F2). Phytochemical analysis of Monodora tenuifolia seed extract
showed the presence of some plant secondary metabolites, viz:
alkaloids, flavonoids, proteins, carbohydrates, saponins, glycosides,
cyanogenic glycosides, cardiac glycosides, tannins, steroidal aglycon
while, 0 and C glycosides, anthracene glycosides and reducing sugar
were absent. The 3 fractions showed the presence of vitamin A and
vitamin El The pet-ether extract and the fractions (F1 and FP) reduced
CCle-induced lipid peroxidation in rat liver homogenate. They also
exhibited significant antioxidant activity in nitric oxide induced lipid
peroxidation. The crude extract and diethylether fraction (F2) produced
dose-dependent protective effect against lipid peroxidaiton and free
radical generation in liver homogenate. The acute toxicity study with the
crude extract showed no signs of obvious toxicity up to a dose level of
5000 mglkg. These results suggest that Monodora tenuifolia seed
extract possessed significant antioxidant properties and could be used
for the treatment of diseases associated with free radical generation.