Sputa from 300 patients with chronic chest infection were examined micropically and analyzed bacteriologically. cellform morphologically resembling those of aerobic ectinomyceton were observed,and isolate were identified through convantional tests. Extra-cellular prtiene from cell free culture filtretus of Nocerodia asturoiodes were purified by ultrafiltration, and soported through iscoloctric focussing and Wostern blotting. Nocordia ostoroidos antigens in these proteins were identified throgh enzyme-linked immunossoy. Imunolt strips developed with these antigen were tested for specficity. The offects of specific antibodies and iron on the growth and virulence of Nocordia estoroidos at its various growth phases were investigated in culture meadia and mice. Pethogonicity and verulence were determined in normal and immunosupprossed mice. Some characteristic cell form were observed regularly in stained smoors from 16 of the specimons. Nocordia estoroidos, including a veriont provisionally termed " typeb (5), Nocardia brestiliens (1), Rhodococcusspp.(8), and Micromonospora (1)were isolated from these samples. It is advocated that the morpholical characteristics of the verous cell forms is atained sutum smoors provide useful screening methods for the tentative diagnosis of nocardiosis. The isolation of rhodoccoi in some of these disesse conditions indicated the involvment of Rhodoccus spp in pulmonery infections